Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Dilemma with Labels


1. An item used to identify something or someone, as a small piece of paper or cloth attached to an article to designate its origin, owner, contents, use, or destination.
2. A descriptive term; an epithet.
3. A distinctive name or trademark identifying a product or manufacturer, especially a recording company.
4. Architecture A molding over a door or window; a dripstone.
5. Heraldry A figure in a field consisting of a narrow horizontal bar with several pendants.
6. Chemistry See tracer

Such is our topic for today. and in the next few updates. We will be rigging the worlds of those who haven't put in much thought about this five-lettered word.

We label things for, 1. Ownership; 2. To give the referent due meaning, relative to how we see it. Let's see if we can add some other, as we go on.

Ownership. In this reality, we have things that we, of course, own. These are those that we purchased, or was in fact given to us. And there are things that we of course deserve to have. And not so deserve to have. Things, pillows, darn stuff toys, we name them. Animals, we name them. To some extent, people. We name them. Our parents did just that. So up until you have had that name-change, you are virtually owned by your parents. Isn't that sweet? And whatabout those name-calling we do almost everyday? Purple, goddess, ganda, sweetie pie, the perennial love, darling, apple, baby, the penultimate nerve wracking, sweetheart, and sooo much more.

Point is, when everyone else loves labelling, they come to a halt when people are involved. Not that I'm poking my nose into other's businesses, actually, I don't care half as much as they do. The times just calls for such. I could only recall that people come incessantly to me, asking for my humble opinion[I retract the words. There is no such thing as humble opinion. If it shows true humility, then why would you want to reiterate that voice you have in mind, to influence others?], regarding their issues, and this we are talking of tops them all. I present to you four different persons, all bringing all the same package of, "Bakit kaya ganun?", or the succinct version, "Bakit?". Well of course categories then started flooding in; Academics, financials, traffic situations, hunger, Election frustrations, and emotional issues, to name some. It didn't take long for me to understand what they meant, since the "Bakit kaya ganun's" and "Bakit's" where all characterized by a certain intonation never before heard, and some breathing stops, followed by a sigh. Then another sigh. And another. Still another. And will you please stop sighing reader?

Digression. Sorry for that. Going back, Im posing some questions. Why would people not want to label? I understand that risks are involved in here, but it just defeats the idea that they are the priority. For one, labels are not only names per se. They define your well-being, as seen by the other party. And they bring this sense of security. And labels bring with them boundaries. Yeeesss, boundaries. And limitations. And assurances. Trust me, you would want that. At least you would know where you stand, and not in that space that we call in-betweens. Perhaps those people want some to function dual purposes, which is deemed unfair by my judging sense. It is tiresome. It is.

Of course, nothing beats the overwhelming feeling of being thrown off into that realm in which we call, non-definition. My tips to those currently residing in this: Better enroll yourself as a Calculus lesson. You'll see there the ways for redefinition, re-defining, and the like. Hah. Better those symbols, at least they are properly tagged.
