Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Pile of Caca that we call Barangay Elections

Monday. I was bound for the polling precinct. My father was coaxing me to exercise suffrage. And so was my mom. He was in a telling mode that somebody may take my name and use it for selfish purposes. Had I been in good normal condition, I would've marched my way to the designated areas, but the lack of sleep the other night had forbidden me to do so. It was a rarity that I again was put back to the trails of insomnia. I've always had good, soundless sleeps for the lasts months, and I'm pretty sure I fall under the rein of Narcolepsy. Tsk.

Anyway, I'm just as glad that the noise barrage, of which they call campaigning, has ended. Dad and I both agree (another rarity, for we consider ourselves arch-nemesis of the other) that they are the ultimate examples time wastage, and pretension. We get to see them only during the election period, and we can't even understand their platforms, to think that we are in the barangay-level. Probably just a twist with this election edition is the roster of candidates. One of them is the perenially loser that we can call Ate Bess. Yes, she descends from the Las Pinas region, a kin of the Aguilar Clan and she has run for at least 3 terms of mayoralty in our city, all of which she lost. And now, she has gone down to the grassroots. The latest count provided by my elder brother stated that she could win this time. Relief relief.

I actually encountered one of the caravans they usually do at campaigns. All the loud noices coming out of their machines and their naked mouths are more than enough to box my ears and bleed them dry. Why must living be this..way? I swear I could've been desanguinated. A minute or two could've been a matter of life and death.
Also, FYI. According to the Omnibus Election code, you could sue these felonies under the crime [I categorize it under heinous] of Unjust Vexation. And yeah. I was vexed. At times, I blame this one for my disorientation. And probably, with why I can't sleep this days. My cochlea must've been loosened.
..Explains why I was a no-show to yesterday's national affair.

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