Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Primate of my Thoughts

Sometimes, netsurfing could just shatter your most awaited happiness. The natural inquisitive behaviour of man, also known as curiosity, well fits into the picture.

The past week was, again, good. Fine. Funny. Preposterous. Giddy-ish. Sometimes, I just wish things would be like that. Tsk. Takas moments. What I would give just to have all of those again. Nyek. Senti hydnar. Senti. Senti. Senti. If ever you'd encounter me in this mood, I give you due permission to strike that scimitar upon me. Haha!

Hay. Goodluck. And smile. weekend. at last. Happy Halloween! Happy Oktoberfest!

Postscript: Saka na yung more senseful updates, current feeds et al. Katamad e. Can't completely grasp the right words and adjectives.

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