Saturday, September 23, 2006

Astrology meets Literature

Wla lang..natuwa lang ako..

To keep my side of the bargain, I will dedicate to you this entry. If you ask me why, ask again. Yourself this time..what did you do to me?

I'll tell you a story.

Once earth was revolving around the sun. Because the sun was its primary source of energy, it was compelled to continue with its revolution. Anyway, it was all it knew, to revolve.

Then came another celestial being. It was Venus. The Earth, captured by its gravity, drew itself near it. Anyway, it said, "I'm still doing my usual circling along my orbit". And so, by virtue of Venus' entry to its magnetic field, and within the earth's early years, Earth knew, there was no problem. Earth knew, at last, it had purpose.

Or so Earth thought..

Then came Mars. Easily spotted, with its unusual features, unusually red, hot features. Although Venus was supposed to be hotter(scientifically, it is), Mars had this aura of warmness..Hotness..Increasingly hot. Plus the fact that Venus has been wearing this veil of thick clouds, that Earth cannot see thru its inside. Earth didn't know if Venus was that sincere. And so, attracted by Mars' almost nakedness, brought about by its thin layer of atmosphere, Earth drifted away from Venus, to its new-found benediction; Mars.

But problems are hard to evade..for the newly established tie.

Earth found out that there were too many Mars out there. Especially that Mars was near its clan, the asteroid belt. Earth saw Ceres, an equally dashing celestial body. And there was also some other: Deimos, Phobos, etc.

And he was driven to a deep thought. "Why, on the first place, did I choose Mars over Venus? Now it seems there are a lot of them out there..could it be..just..plain lust? Nah..maybe not."

And the sun glowed brighter, and unusually warmer than before. Interestingly, no one seemed to feel the phenomenon. They just shrug off its mere presence. They don't realize that when life was much simpler, they jusy revolved around it, receive plenty of sunshine, feel its warmth..and be satisfied. Now, revolving seems a remote idea, with everyone wobbling from each other's paths.

Venus tried to reach out for Earth, and somehow, it succeeded in its objective.

Venus, in a desperate attempt,"Venus could have chosen Mars over Earth, because Venus was designed for Mars, but I take the risk, and instead choose you, Earth. Mars and Earths could never be together in such a manner. Because you come from the same mold."

The solar system was rigged, for the first time.

For 6.5 billion years, that was what happened.

Earth has yet to decide, for the next billion years.

Meanwhile, the sun just kept on glowing. Anyway, with His divine thinking, he understands everything.

The story hasn't ended yet.

And pluto, was demoted to a minor planet, because of too much wobbling with Neptune.

(I guess too much wobbling isn't yet accepted in some parts of the solar system-Ed.)