Friday, November 02, 2007

V for Virus. V for Victims!

Sometimes, too much is really disgusting.

This is the case when your parents go out of their usual way, and act eerie. Creepy. In the spirit of All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day, we shall use "creepy". And may I suggest horrifying? We won't use weird in here, for it only pertains to HRH, Kristine Villanueva .[special mention!]

Anyway, my parents would probably pass if tested for senility. My dad is just a little over 50, and my mom is at her 47, but they have literally gone out of their own bounds. I don't know, some people would probably say they are just rekindling their relationship. Actually, they were in some kind of a rumble a few weeks before. Same encounters, minus the cussing, or the nagging, just plain talking non-stop. Rather boring, eh?

Digression. All Saints' Day was highlighted by this quasi-family bonding while watching a horror slash sci-fi slash blood-oozing rich scenes film, 28 weeks later . I think everyone should watch this one, especially those loving the science fiction. Although I've had enough of zombies. I still can't get past the trauma of seeing zombies with their sanities intact; they cry, they can remember, they plan things, they bond with friends, they even dress like cops, and are employed as cops!! ** Emotionally privileged walking corpses, zombies ought to be dumb!

Going back, after the movie, my mom lunged at my dad, and she started biting his leg. Talk about getting infected with the virus. And my dad fought back. They were even moving damn slow, just like zombies. Even running after the other. Tsk. Parents?! What did we do wrong? Is this your way of telling us that we are no longer a happy family? We could talk of these, in one sitting, over dinner? But why?!?!

There, friends, patrons, countrymen, you have marveled at such act worthy of the police's incident report. The truth of the matter is, it isn't appealling. It is appalling!

Contact a shrink for me. My siblings and I, we badly need one. And we'll pay for the bills that'll be incurred.

** The fate-forsaken film is titled Zombie Nation.

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