Thursday, September 13, 2007

Accio, Vengeful Spirit!

Earlier, I woke up with a heavy heart. I had an unusual dream. Sometimes, I suspect that someone must've been interfering with my unconscious and imperatively making an active participation. The dream made me realize some things I had so worked hard to forget. But it seemed as if I have failed so miserably to bury them, that it took them today to finally unearth themselves. The result? I woke up with a grimace.

Aboard a passenger bus, I accidentally found myself looking at my palms. It was empty. And I chuckled. It's been so long since I've received something from someone. I remember pinning my hopes, that probably tomorrow, someone would give me even a piece of candy, or chewing gum. This isn't mendicancy, but I'm kind of tired relishing when was the last time I've gotten anything from anyone. I appreciate everything, more so to those little things.

Sometimes, I appear nonchalant to whatever things anyone says. I just resort to shrugging off anything displeasing to my senses, and try not to think too much of them. They ruin your day, eh. The worst part here is when your very circle neglects the very element you want them to shower upon you.

Bottomline. Tama na. Sawa na ako e. I refuse to believe that people are born evil. That selfishness could be altered. You are like a black hole. You drain me my existence. You know, there had been a thousand instances that I've thought I'm just a supporting actor in my own theatre. Kasi ikaw ang bida.

I hope that soon, you'd realize that when I grow tired, ultimately, I step up efforts to erase a person from my realm.

Puta. the 2nd placer is the first loser.

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