Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Fuck the Regulations

I was actually about to relate some of the movies I've watched earlier. And boy was I glad I did so. They made my day.

BUT. Oh yes, on the "but" side. I was confoundedly appalled at the recent discovery I've so far had. Never was I really wrong about these things, so to speak. It seems that people nowadays wouldn't desist from being just themselves. AH! Too much imitation, too much finding of common threads when there really is none, too much making of common threads when there really is none, too much of since-you-like-it-I-shall-love-it-as-well-because-you-like-it. Circular definition. haha! It's as if the desperation of wanting to fit in and keep up is taking its toll.

...And I call it funny. Fumblesome. I'm just glad the streets have not lost any single original being in there. I'm a tad afraid I shall stumble upon a photocopied version of someone. Oh. And I almost forgot, it's a panorama that some others have finally detached from this sickness. 'Coz it really is sickening up to the very detail. Makes me wanna puke.

This is a spectacle. I'm in the front row seat. I would appreciate to have someone sit beside me and watch the entire feat. Let me know for any reservations. My contacts are still intact, as of the moment. :-P

Puhleeese. Coup de grace.
