Thursday, November 29, 2007

Unflinchingly Lamented

I've had my day off today, and I spent most of the afternoon watching Death Note. I was supposed to be having a good good time with it, more so that I was with Randolfh. I knew then that he was busily enjoying himself with constant chit-chat with me between episode breaks, watching most of the time and texting his friends.

As for me, I wasn't in a mood. Unlike the other days, I was enjoying the anime, but today, it was different. Again, I was submerged into this deep thinking. Once in a while, I resurface whenever my brother would ask me pertinent questions about the anime, about the characters, about words he couldn't decipher, and after that, I'd crawl back to the gloom I was beginning to enjoy, not because it was fun, but because I didn't have much of a choice.

The last few days have seen me as a happy person worthy of company. And yes, I've tried my best to look just like that, even reaching the limit of exhaustion and still pushing myself to the very verge. Some kind of a test of how far I could go. And how far I couldn't.

My stability is once again in question. Kind of like being put in its acid test when it shouldn't be the case. I dunno. I just put into thinking that the whole of the 365days in a year are not mine, my days, so to speak. There are happy days, and the not-so-happy days. The days when you feel you want to punch even a stranger, or shout at the top of your lungs, which I deem beautiful and helpful, take my word for it.

I'm sad. Not because of any flimsy reason. Because it isn't rightful that you are downed by the turmoil and I am basking under such enjoyment. To put into a nutshell, I shall readily abandon these, and will have them exchange for your sorrow.

Shadow. I shall be your shadow.

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