Thursday, December 06, 2007


I dunno.

I just have to do away with much much thinking. I'm reaching the absolute limit and if I'd pursue with this much much thinking, it would all seem asymptotic, if graphed.

Dalawa lang nman yan e. Either being benign or malignant. I've been the former one. Is it finally time to go for the latter? Unfortunately, not the right idea. Sometimes, you just have to keep your mouth shut in order to survive. Or just look on and wait for your turn. Like being a toddler. The difference is, you cannot simply demand for the food. Because the food is for a hell lot of people. You need to wait. And wait. And wait. This is fast becoming a hobby, really. Anyway, this one shouldn't be a problem after all. Waiting. It's easy. Damn easy. Fucking easy. But if this is the world's context of easy, then destiny forbid me but I'm eager for the difficult areas.

No. This isn't a rant. And I'm not being whimsical.

My amygdala has been under great pressure lately. I wouldn't be surprised if in the future, I'd run out of fear. Recently, I've had my life's share of fear, and they are quite gigantic. If there's only a hand I could clutch, then everything would be surmountable.

This night, I would have to hold my own hand. It kills me to know I'm feeling this way. And it's so hard not to show it. But I'll try. Wala naman kasi akong magagawa e. diba?